Thursday, January 22, 2009

A history making day

I don't claim to be a seasoned political analyst. I can only comment on what I see from my own life experience and logic. That being said I believe huge history was made today. It appears that Caroline Kennedy dropped out of the running for Hillary's senate seat because she realized she wasn't going to get a pass on the skeletons in her closet. A Kennedy possibly being held accountable? I figured to see an African American in the White House before....... oh, wait a second.
Which leads me to my next order of business. Jay Z and young GZ (whoever that is) were video taped making offensive profanity laced comments at what appeared to be an inagural event. I have heard no outrage from the usual suspects when it comes to racial equality. Maybe I missed it. I hope so.
If this President wants to accomplish what he has stated as far as gaining racial unity in this country he needs to have a 5 minute sit down with them and explain to them why a public apology is neccessary. If they don't agree to release one then the President should publicly disavow their words from that evening and hold them up as an example of colossal ignorance.
An historic night for the African American community and this country as a whole and a couple of highly paid self centered babies wanted to use it as a platform for their tired and worn out sentiments. I feel awful, seeing as how badly Jay Z suffered under the oppression of the last administration. Who wouldn't be ticked off? A reported 83 mil in 2007.
Last but not least we saw the new President and his new state of the art teamwork approach. While announcing executive orders today he had to turn at least twice to White House counsel Greg Craig to ask him about two of the orders. The President didn't understand what he was doing today (in more ways than one). I would agree with Murtha to send all Guantanimo detainees to Pennsylvania except I have a lot of relatives there that I rather like.
It's too late and I'm too tired to dive into the orders but suffice it to say the Guantanimo closing is going to come back to haunt President Obama. Unfortunately that means it's going to haunt all of us. I still like everything that I hear on the Lobbying policies being put into place. Should have been done ages ago.
A heartfelt Lawrence Welk "Good night and sleep tight."

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