Sunday, January 18, 2009

Here We Go

This new blog of mine will deal with all kinds of subject matter but the two that will be dealt with the most will be Christianity and politics. There seems to be way too many people that when discussing either of these issues, have a difficult time being reasonable without compromising their position or just plain hating on the opposition. You won't find either in this blog.
There will be some that won't agree with my positions. That's okay. I'm not doing this to be popular. My perspective comes from a Christian worldview. I believe that The Bible is the inspired, inerrant word of God. That will turn some away right off the bat. That's okay too because this blog is for those who have a Christian faith or are curious about it and willing to dig a little deeper.
I'm not going to get into arguments with those who are predisposed to hating or denying God. I can't change you or your mind. I'm not going to get into arguments with those who have an agenda to hate conservative politics. I can't change your mind either and won't attempt to.
I know the haters will respond by calling me an idiot while using every expletive in the book. I know they will say God is a fairy tale and add George W. Bush a few times. To all of you haters, I know this is coming. It won't suprise me. It won't change my mind. It won't get me riled up. It won't make me hate you. It won't make me respond to you.
I wish I had a "terms of service" box for everyone to check so I was guaranteed everyone understood all of this going in but I'll play the hand that was dealt me. Here We Go........


  1. Helllllooooooooooo! Can you say 'Soap Box'?

  2. Right On! Couldn't have said it better myself. Thanks for sharing.
