Monday, January 26, 2009

A few days off

I had to take a few days off to take in all the action on Capitol Hill. I think I have finally come to the conclusion that President Obama is making so many changes so quickly so that the conservative media in this country won't be able to pick on one thing too long. Ther's no time for debate or criticism. As soon as he makes one policy blunder or painfully dishonest executive order he's on to making another. He's bumrushing us. This administration has the full blitz package going and we're reading it like Donavan McNabb against the Cardinals.
Probably the thing that upset me the most this week was an interview I heard with Senator Abstain......... I mean McCain. The nicest Maverick the west has ever known. When asked about the potential nomination of Bill Lynn for Secretary of Defense. The man who was a lobbyist for Raytheon is going to be allowed into the administration that just signed an executive order that bans lobbyists from his administration. Hmmm? That's for another time though. I want to focus on Senator Refrain. He basically said " I don't like it" then said "I think we need to move forward and nominate him." Are you kidding me? It makes me wonder how much different things would have been had he won the election. He would have been so busy running around trying not to upset anyone he would of forgotten the people he was elected to serve just like he is now.
Let me say that I have a lot of respect for the Senators service. I owe him and millions more for the freedoms I enjoy for now. But if he doesn't toughen up along with a lot of others in the Republican party then his capture and torture will mean much less than it has to this point. Those freedoms he so valiantly fought for are being stolen away right under our noses and we can't get a voice in Washington to speak for us. They all just want to get along. Why don't a group of you remember what conservatism is, get some spine and stop the gentlelady from San Francisco dead in her tracks. You mean to tell me there's nothing you can do. Use your overblown budgets and start doing daily press conferences that spell out exactly what she's doing every day. Be honest. Don't use that ridiculous politic speak. Same with Harry Reid. Call him out. You underestimate the power of the American people. Almost 50,000,000 voted against Obama's plans and the philosophies of Pelosi and Reid. Give us a chance to use our voice. There's almost nothing we can do when you won't stand up for this great country.
Take your responsibilities seriously. I don't want to hear how blessed you all feel to serve us. You feel blessed because of the pampering and attention you get. If you were really humbled to serve you would actually do so and not roll over and die anytime you think it's getting a little to heated. If you can't then move out of the way and make room for someone who can.
There is 5 days of pent up frustration. Everyone needs to remember it's not "Powerless for the People" it's "Power to the People." What say you? (thank you Mr. Oreilly)

Friday, January 23, 2009

Intentional Living Part II

There is an inherent busyness that seems to be hopelessly attached to life. The simple act of waking up in the morning can signal the world that you’re ready to take on whatever comes your way. Cost? Not a problem. Sacrifice? It comes with the territory. You hit the ground running and never look back.
You may have a few brief moments of water walking like Peter did in Matthew 14; a second or two of experiencing an unusual demonstration of God’s power. Sometime between hitting the snooze button for the last time and before you actually sit up you voice a simple prayer. It’s quite possible though that it’s more out of duty than passion. Then your feet hit the floor, you take a few steps and then begin to sink like a stone in the craziness of the everyday. You look around for someone or something to save you as you flail mercilessly at the surrounding waves.
Suddenly you’re in a panic and just as you’re about to go down for the count you take notice of the only one that can save you. You cry out and He is immediately there to grab you.
You are saved. Not by the wind or the waves. Not by anyone in the boat behind you. No, you are rescued by the outstretched hand of Jesus Christ. You end up in the place you should have been to begin with; in His grasp.
It’s easy to wonder how Peter could have been so weak in his faith. After all, he had the Son of God bidding him to come. Telling him it was safe to take that first step onto the sea. Even though one step onto the water would have been sufficient for you and me to feel God’s power, Jesus allowed more than that. Matthew says Peter walked, which by definition means he took more than one step. The issue wasn’t the lack of power available to him it was the lack of his own intent. If Peter had taken an intentional walk that day his focus would have never left the King of Kings and he wouldn’t have found his knees at fish level.
It would do us well to start out every single day with an intentional walk for that is what pleases God. To have our attention and efforts focused on one thing; His glory is what helps us walk on top of the water and gives us a hand to grab when we falter. We will always know of the waves around us and the water below but we must never take our eyes off the Savior who forever stands before us.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

A history making day

I don't claim to be a seasoned political analyst. I can only comment on what I see from my own life experience and logic. That being said I believe huge history was made today. It appears that Caroline Kennedy dropped out of the running for Hillary's senate seat because she realized she wasn't going to get a pass on the skeletons in her closet. A Kennedy possibly being held accountable? I figured to see an African American in the White House before....... oh, wait a second.
Which leads me to my next order of business. Jay Z and young GZ (whoever that is) were video taped making offensive profanity laced comments at what appeared to be an inagural event. I have heard no outrage from the usual suspects when it comes to racial equality. Maybe I missed it. I hope so.
If this President wants to accomplish what he has stated as far as gaining racial unity in this country he needs to have a 5 minute sit down with them and explain to them why a public apology is neccessary. If they don't agree to release one then the President should publicly disavow their words from that evening and hold them up as an example of colossal ignorance.
An historic night for the African American community and this country as a whole and a couple of highly paid self centered babies wanted to use it as a platform for their tired and worn out sentiments. I feel awful, seeing as how badly Jay Z suffered under the oppression of the last administration. Who wouldn't be ticked off? A reported 83 mil in 2007.
Last but not least we saw the new President and his new state of the art teamwork approach. While announcing executive orders today he had to turn at least twice to White House counsel Greg Craig to ask him about two of the orders. The President didn't understand what he was doing today (in more ways than one). I would agree with Murtha to send all Guantanimo detainees to Pennsylvania except I have a lot of relatives there that I rather like.
It's too late and I'm too tired to dive into the orders but suffice it to say the Guantanimo closing is going to come back to haunt President Obama. Unfortunately that means it's going to haunt all of us. I still like everything that I hear on the Lobbying policies being put into place. Should have been done ages ago.
A heartfelt Lawrence Welk "Good night and sleep tight."

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Day one

We just finished living through a presidential mardis gras. A reported $160,000,000 was spent to celebrate the incoming president. That doesn't even include all of the fuel that was burned to get the 600 private planes to Washington for the shindig. Within hours of that financial explosion there was a pay freeze instituted on all employees of the White House making over $100,000. "Hey Rahm, I want to implement a pay freeze to show I mean business. But let's wait until my mardis gras is over. We will spend enough money to give 160,000 families quality healthcare for a year, and then we'll show the world that we are going to be fiscally responsible."
Just a short time ago somebody was ridiculed for spending $50,000,000 on their inaguration. Let's get real people. Not one person should get a pass for such stupidity and frivolity. I don't care if they're Democrat or Republican. We are being told we're in the greatest financial crisis in our history yet private parties and government can find $160,000,000 to take an oath, give a speech, sign some documents and eat drink and be merry all night. Why was this inaguration more special than any of the others? He's certainly not entering with any new vision. I guess he truly is an environmentalist though. He's entering the White House with more recycled ideas than any President in our history.
Billy Baldwin was interviewed on FOX last night and basically asked that everybody give the new President 12 to 14 months before they criticize him. Isn't it ironic? George W. Bush was being criticized before he even got into office because people felt like he stole the election. Where was the patience and tolerance then? I do agree with Mr. Baldwin in part though. Let's not sit around and criticize the President on speculation. Don't ride him for doing something before he does it. How many stupid thoughts have you had that never came to fruition because you came to your senses later on?
Where I part with Billy is here. When he does do something stupid like allowing the ridiculous budget for his frat party yesterday. Call him on that because it's a dumb idea he actually followed through on.
On the surface I like what he did today to change the lobbying rules. I'll have to dig a little deeper before I can make a final decision though.
Republicans in Washington and abroad. Give him credit where credit is due. THere is no reason to hate. But grow a backbone and stand up to him when he's wrong. In other words be honest. I know that's been a tricky word in Washington for a very long time but I can promise you that the official definition has never changed.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Intentional living

I received a call today from a friend in great need. I have been speaking to him on a regular basis over the last few weeks and all seemed to be fine. That is until today. He called to open up about what he had been walking through. I will say I was a bit suprised to hear about his previous week. Not disappointed not let down just suprised. It really hit me today that we don't really know what goes on behind closed doors do we?

We can sometimes paint people into a corner with our assumptions. We like to assume everything is okay with everyone around us because we don't really want to know the truth. What's the old saying? "What we don't know won't bother us." No I think it's what we don't know won't infringe on our time." Maybe it's "what we don't know won't take us out of our comfort zone." Whatever my failing 40 year old memory can't recall I do know we can feel like we're supposed to be the person others perceive us to be.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not espousing pop psychology and blaming everyone else for our shortcomings. You and I are ultimately responsible for how we live and how we respond to others. I'm just saying we could be doing a little better when it comes to meeting people where they truly are and not where we think they are.

It was a big step for my friend to lay it all out there to me today. He was a little scared to call and tell me. I blame myself for that to a certain extent because I haven't done a good job of dealing with him where he is, only where I perceived him to be.

How many people do we have in our lives that we're treating the same way? My guess is that for most of us it would be many. Most of us aren't intentional in our relationships. They just float by like clouds on a lazy afternoon. There is no purpose in our conversation and no method to our actions. I don't support having actions that are contrived, just meaningful.

Relationships can slowly fade away with the lack of intentional pursuit. They won't dissappear in an instant but you'll notice it the instant they're gone.

I can't think of a relationship that is more valuable to pursue than one with Jesus Christ. Do we start our day purposely seeking to glorify God or do we just let life come at us and pick up our "God shield" every time we need to deflect something that could be hurtful or inconvienient?

At different times in my years I have exhibited a faith of convenience. Bringing it to the forefront when the tsunami was ready to break on top of me instead of vacating the coastline the second the warning came.

We can't afford to live a life without intention. There is too much at stake. The very moment you finish reading this blog I challenge you to tell God exactly how you're going to honor Him for the next 10 minutes. Then do it. I am going to do the same.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

A Brand New Week

Tomorrow is the first day of a brand new week. A day I would like to rename " The Eve of Destruction." Now before some of you reference my first blog, I am not hating. I am being a realist.
I do not hate President-elect Obama. I actually think he seems like a pretty decent guy. He hasn't done anything to make me think otherwise. I will not speculate that he won the election in an underhanded way nor will I walk around spewing the phrase " He's not my President." That position shows the ignorance of a lot of people. He will be my President in 2 days. That doesn't mean I have to agree with him on all of the issues. I most certainly don't. But for me to say he's not my president would be spitting on the graves of all who have fought and died for this incredible country.
Millions have fought to allow Obama and every President before him the right to win a fair and open election. So please don't anyone from the right side of the spectrum walk around spewing that tripe. And you on the left, please don't float around thinking the world is going to grab hands and sing cum-by-yah.
The new President is a human being and said a lot of things just to get elected just as most political candidates before him. If we look back a year from now there will be many campaign promises he made that won't be fufilled. It will be spun as a changing of circumstances that forced him to do so. That being the case, he should have never made the promises in the first place unless he made them citing a potential change in circumstances.
My point is that neither side is perfect. A lesson I learned while playing in the Major Leagues for 9 seasons. Both the players and the owners are wrong in different areas. Republicans and Democrats are wrong in different areas too.
I am not excited about what the next four years brings with it. That being said I'm not scared either. As a Christian I know who has my life in the palm of His hand . It wasn't George Bush and it won't be President-elect Obama. It is God almighty. Nothing happens to my life outside of what He allows. I take a great comfort in that because the book of Romans says " And we know that God causes ALL (emphasis mine) things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. 8:28
I don't think the policies of the new administration will be effective. They have been tried different times throughout our history and failed each time. Why would now be different? Any time you let government take control things get "jacked up." Sorry about that. I was wanting to appeal to the younger demographic for a moment.
To be clear. I disagree I don't hate. I anticipate I don't fear and I blog I don't solve the worlds problems.

Here We Go

This new blog of mine will deal with all kinds of subject matter but the two that will be dealt with the most will be Christianity and politics. There seems to be way too many people that when discussing either of these issues, have a difficult time being reasonable without compromising their position or just plain hating on the opposition. You won't find either in this blog.
There will be some that won't agree with my positions. That's okay. I'm not doing this to be popular. My perspective comes from a Christian worldview. I believe that The Bible is the inspired, inerrant word of God. That will turn some away right off the bat. That's okay too because this blog is for those who have a Christian faith or are curious about it and willing to dig a little deeper.
I'm not going to get into arguments with those who are predisposed to hating or denying God. I can't change you or your mind. I'm not going to get into arguments with those who have an agenda to hate conservative politics. I can't change your mind either and won't attempt to.
I know the haters will respond by calling me an idiot while using every expletive in the book. I know they will say God is a fairy tale and add George W. Bush a few times. To all of you haters, I know this is coming. It won't suprise me. It won't change my mind. It won't get me riled up. It won't make me hate you. It won't make me respond to you.
I wish I had a "terms of service" box for everyone to check so I was guaranteed everyone understood all of this going in but I'll play the hand that was dealt me. Here We Go........