Thursday, March 5, 2009

A heart for spring

           A brand new month began just a few short days ago. Springtime is approaching (ever so slowly) just as it does every year. Spring is known as a season of renewal. Green things become green again, birds return to the homes that they know most of the year and in most places (sorry Northwest) the sun is greeted by a few less clouds every morning.
          We start to see life explode onto the scene once again with vibrant colors, renewed wildlife activity and creeks, rivers and waterfalls thawing back into action. It is truly a time to celebrate.
          Our lives can experience such change of seasons if we allow it. There are many times I have walked through the season of winter in my heart. Blood barely coursing through my veins as I allow myself to turn cold and almost lifeless in regards to my own spiritual well being.
          Why do we allow ourselves to get to this place? After all as Christians we have everything to look forward to and nothing to fear. We are told that in all things God works for the good of those that love Him and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).
          If you are like me you tend to let the pressures and concerns of the day take precedence over all else. Why do we make "Us" so important? That's why we end up in this winter wasteland of the heart in the first place. 
         There are directions on the side of the box for heating up though. Sure you could microwave it so it cools off almost as fast as it heats up. I'm more of a conventional method guy. Sure it takes some time to heat up and a little longer to cook but the end result is hot and satisfying all the way to your last breathe.......I mean bite. 
          Forget about new year resolutions. You probably already have anyway. Jan 1 is just another day in the middle of the cold hard winter. Let this spring season be a reminder of things starting anew. Join me in this. Identify the one area in your life that you struggle with the most. Take that area and commit to 1. ask God earnestly, three times (morning, afternoon and night) every single day to save you from it. 2. Read your Bible for ten minutes twice a day and start to recognize different scriptures that can help you beat this foe and 3. Be very intentional in avoiding whatever causes you to fall.  
         If I have a problem with donuts (not saying a donut is sin) I need to intentionally take a route to and from work every day that doesn't pass by a donut shop. If I have a problem with lust and the internet is my way of feeding it, I get a filter for my computer and let someone else set up the password. If it is judging others I intentionally think through  some of the ways I have been a bumble head and learn to be a little more forgiving.
         We all have areas where we consistently fall. Every time we give in to them we put ourselves at odds with Gods desire for us. How can we wholeheartedly praise Him and be of true service if we have unrepentant sin lurking around in our lives? Fact is we can't.
        God will forgive and God will renew if only we ask. He desires that we overcome our weaknesses but it tends to be through the conventional ways; praying and reading His word. 
      Let's face it, we became one of two things when we entered into the winter of the heart. We either just didn't care about God anymore and decided we would rather serve ourselves or we set our Bible on the shelf and  became too lazy to get up and get it. I'm guessing that for most of us it's the latter.
        Spring is almost here! What better time for our hearts to thaw, our lips to praise and our knees to bend?

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