I have almost seen more than I can handle this week. I now realize that ours is not a government for the people or of the people. It's just plain government. It serves no one but itself and only answers to the same. There is no accountability or justice. We are in an age where our "leaders" can parade their immorality and illegality before the American people and have zero repercussion. There is no scandal that could do a politician in at this point. It would be used for photo ops and higher pay.
It looks as though this gargantuan bill is going to pass in the senate because of 3 spineless senators who have a republican tag by their name. It's too early to tell what they were promised to vote liberal. Judging by their track records they probably didn't need any special funding for their states to vote so foolishly. I hope the republicans in Maine and Pennsylvania overwhelmingly vote them out of office as soon as they come up for re-election. I hope their phones and emails are jam packed with angry people.
The reason this bill is being pushed through so quickly is not because of catastrophe on the horizon but because the more Americans find out about it the more they hate it. In just 2 weeks those in favor of it has dropped 43%. Only 37% of the people who are supposed to be represented in Washington actually approve of the bill. I forgot though, we're so stupid we couldn't possibly know what's best for us. Only the super intellects can understand and fix the problems we are facing.
As I promised when I started this blog I am not going to be mean. I am going to be truthful about how I feel though and will make a few predictions. This bill is going to pass and the consequences are going to be devastating. No question about it. I am however given over to optimism. This will be good because it will show once and for all that Liberalism in it's purist form causes complete and utter destruction.
Hallelujah we have a true conservative at the helm of the RNC who will have a party in place to pick up the pieces starting with the next election cycle for the House and Senate. Way to go Michael Steele!!! Boot everyone out and start out fresh. I'm sure there were a few good people who will be asked to stay but by and large good riddance.
I like Senator McCain for different reasons but any republican regime who allows him to represent us as a presidential candidate needs to be overhauled.
Kudos to Lindsay Graham for his gutsy display on the hill this week. He doesn't exactly toe the party line (which is a good attribute to have) but he knows this bill is wrong and he's not going to let the President or Babs Boxer guilt him in to voting for it. Three cheers for a Republican standing up for a conservative value. There seems to be more of that lately. I guess they see where their "reach across the aisle no matter what" mentality has gotten them and gotten us.
The vast majority of democrat Senators up for re-election in 2010 will lose their seats by a wide margin. Harry Reid will be kicked off the throne. It will be the start of a long and winding road to fix the mishaps from President Obamas mammoth bill. Let's just hope there is still some money left in the private sector to begin the repairs.
We all know a second term president is known as a lame duck. One of my predictions is that Presibent Obama will be a lame duck less than 2 years into his first term. Someone with a little knowledge of the office is going to have to swoop in and save him or that will be his fate. I imagine that within a year we will start seeing a lot more of President Clinton being involved or tagged as a consultant of sorts. The people in place now cannot run this show. I would be shocked if Robert Gibbs lasts another 3 months as Press Secretary. He'll be publicly congratulated for a great job but be moved into a more "important position", then never heard from again. I might be complimenting him and just don't know it. He's either not very bright or (and here comes the compliment) he's not a good liar. I have never heard a press secretary answer so many questions without answering the question. Who does he think he's fooling. Even some of the liberal media is starting to see through this which means he must be awful.
I know that's a lot for one blog but I had to get out a week's worth of frustration. I think next blog will be no politics and all Christianity. Thank's for tuning into Kent Talkin!
Friday, February 6, 2009
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